Before graduating High School, Ileana entered into a program called GirlsGoIT, which is an inspirational program in Moldova (where Ileana is from) that empowers girls to break from traditional gender norms and teaches them valuable skills to enter into the IT field. After completing the program and graduating from high school, Ileana went on to study knowledge engineering at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. She is now a relentless ambassador for the program and encourages other girls to break down norms and study technology and code.

“I am proud if people say that I code like a girl because I know I can rock the world with my code!”

—Ileana Crudu

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson, which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.


After being attacked and assaulted in her classroom, Rose Lyddon has become an activist for women’s rights and preventing assaults against women. With her friend Necati, she is using social media as a tool to spread ideas and messages that women can be successful too. She is currently planning on being an ambassador for Shape Your Culture, a project that helps adolescents develop a good outlook on body image.

“[Feminism] saved my life.” —Rose Lyddon

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson, which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.


Shirley Temple, most easily recognized for her golden corkscrew curls, began working as a child actress since she was three years old. Born in California in 1928, she was discovered by a film corporation while at her dance school. Educational Films Corporation contracted her to perform in all-kid comedy films that parodied adult roles and recent events. She rose to fame after her appearance in Bright Eyes, and from there she continued to star in hit films that made her the number one box office draw in all of Hollywood. Her wholesome image brought a dose of happiness to Americans during the Great Depression. Following her highly successful career as a child actress, she became a diplomat and ambassador for the United States.

“Be brave and clear. Follow your heart and don’t be overly influenced by outside factors. Be true to yourself.”

—Shirley Temple

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson, which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.