Darla Hood: The Little Rascal

Darla was an American child actress who played the lead role in the Little Rascals. Darla got her love for the arts from her mother who taught her appreciation and skill for singing and dancing. Her career finally took off when she made her debut, unplanned, at the Edison Hotel in Times Square. The leader of the band invited her onto the stage, where she received an exuberant reaction from the audience. Luckily for Darla, agent Joe Rivkin happened to be in the audience that same night. He witnessed her performance and quickly signed a long-term contract with her. Her pay was $75 weekly, which is equal to $27,375 today. Because Darla went onstage that night, she is now one of the youngest actresses, and we should learn from Darla’s serendipitous big break that every moment is an opportunity!

“Take my heart, but please don’t break it.” —Darla Hood

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.


Darla was an American child actress who played the lead role in the Little Rascals. Darla got her love for the arts from her mother who taught her appreciation and skill for singing and dancing. Her career finally took
off when she made her debut, unplanned, at the Edison Hotel in Times Square. The leader of the band invited her onto the stage, where she received an exuberant reaction from the audience. Luckily for Darla, agent Joe Rivkin happened to be in the audience that same night. He witnessed her performance and quickly signed a long-term contract with her. Her pay was $75 weekly, which is equal to $27,375 today. Because Darla went onstage that night, she is now one of the youngest actresses, and we should learn from Darla’s serendipitous big break that every moment is an opportunity!

“Take my heart, but please don’t break it.” —Darla Hood

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson, which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.