Trisha Prabhu: Keeping Kids Safe Online

Sometimes empathy and compassion can be a vehicle for change. At age twelve, Trisha was heartbroken when she read the news of Rebecca Sedwick, a thirteen-year-old who took her own life after years of cyberbullying. Having been a victim of online bullying and harassment herself, Trisha knew that something had to be done. She developed and patented “ReThink,” a technology that detects and prevents cyberbullying at the source by changing minds before posting a hateful message. ReThink’s success has been noted on a global platform and was featured on the TV show Shark Tank. In 2016, she was invited by Barack Obama to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit and was the first freshman to win the President Innovation Grand Prize from Harvard University, where she is currently attending.

“I knew I’d stumbled onto a world-changing idea—and ReThink was born.”

—Trisha Prabhu

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.


Sometimes empathy and compassion can be a vehicle for change. At
age twelve, Trisha was heartbroken when she read the news of Rebecca Sedwick, a thirteen-year-old who took her own life after years of cyberbullying. Having been a victim of online bullying and harassment herself, Trisha knew that something had to be done. She developed and patented “ReThink,” a technology that detects and prevents cyberbullying at the source by changing minds before posting a hateful message. ReThink’s success has been noted on a global platform and was featured on the TV show Shark Tank. In 2016, she was invited by Barack Obama to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit and was the first freshman to win the President Innovation Grand Prize from Harvard University, where she is currently attending.

“I knew I’d stumbled onto a world-changing idea—and ReThink was born.”

—Trisha Prabhu

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson, which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.


Hannah Taylor is an amazing young girl who has accomplished a lot of success at a very young age. Hannah started her own charity called the Ladybug Foundation when she was about eight years old. Her urge to start this organization came to her one winter day when she saw a man eating out from the trashcan, and she couldn’t help but think to herself, “Why? Why? Why?” Since that day, Hannah has dedicated her life to helping the homeless. She has raised over three million dollars through her foundation to fund projects in Canada that give homeless people food, shelter, and safety. Hannah has not only encouraged change through her organization, but also through the written word. She is the published author of Ruby’s Hope, which is a children’s book that inspires hope and caring and empowers young readers to make change.

“Your voice is powerful right now.” —Hannah Taylor

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson, which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.