Unfortunately, heartbreak does not escape the young and innocent.
Estella Juarez was just nine years old when her immigrant mother was deported to Mexico. Her father, a member of the United States military who served in Iraq, voted for President Trump in 2016, believing that he would “protect military families.” Estella was asked to speak at the 2020 Democratic National Convention at age eleven, and read a letter addressed to President Trump. In the letter, she claimed that her father would not vote for Donald Trump this term. Also, in her heartbreaking letter, she voiced the pain that many families have felt as their family was torn apart. She articulately described that these people are not “animals” and that children should not be held in cages. Estella proves that even the youngest of us can have a strong voice and make a difference.

“We are American families. We need a president who will bring people together, not tear them apart.”

—Estella Juarez

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson, which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.