Nadya Okamoto: Standing Up for Menstrual Equity

Nadya Okamoto, a young entrepreneur born in New York City, founded an organization called PERIOD alongside her friend, Vincent Forand. The nonprofit provides menstrual products such as pads and tampons to communities in need, as well as supports an end to the tampon tax. It promotes worldwide menstrual equality, seeking positive change on both a legal and social level.

“I felt like I had something new to offer the world and a duty to speak up. I felt empowered.”

—Nadya Okamoto

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.

Savanna Karmue: The Heart to Make a Difference

Savanna Karmue began her crusade to promote heart health at six years old, after visiting her Sunday School teacher prior to a heart procedure. She knew then that she wanted to be a cardiologist and began YouTubing advice on keeping a healthy heart. On her eighth birthday, she started her own nonprofit; the following year, she transferred that knowledge into a book called Happy Heart Advices: Introduction to Your Heart, Vol. 1. Her passion did not stop there, and she began speaking at local churches and seminars and eventually became a keynote speaker at several high-profile symposiums. Savannah’s curiosity led her to dig deeper, and she found that childhood obesity is a root cause of heart problems. In 2016 she launched the Happy Heart Challenge, which educates and provides resources to children on living a healthy lifestyle. Savannah is ambitious and has set a goal to cut childhood obesity in half by 2031. With her work ethic and drive, Savannah will continue to inspire others to have a “happy heart.”

“…I didn’t want to wait to become a cardiologist to help people, and I wanted to start immediately.”

—Savanna Karmue

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.

Mackenzie Bearup: Changing the World One Book at a Time

Mackenzie is a young girl who many adults should strive to be like. Mackenzie was diagnosed with a disorder called complex regional pain. Dealing with chronic pain constantly, she often turned to books to help keep her mind off the physical and emotional pain. She didn’t want other kids to suffer with pain as she had in the past, so she created Sheltering Books when she was just fifteen. Sheltering Books is a nonprofit organization that collects and donates books to homeless shelters and hospitals. Her nonprofit also helps develop reading spaces, such as libraries and reading rooms, where these books can be kept, used, and read. Mackenzie is an incredible young girl because she never let her disability prevent her from doing the things she wanted to accomplish in life or let stereotypes define her abilities and potential. Instead, she turned her disability into her inspiration.

“When I read, it’s a real escape.” —Mackenzie Bearup

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.


Mackenzie is a young girl who many adults should strive to be like. Mackenzie was diagnosed with a disorder called complex regional pain. Dealing with chronic pain constantly, she often turned to books to help keep her mind off the physical and emotional pain. She didn’t want other kids to suffer with pain as she had in the past, so she created Sheltering Books when she was just fifteen. Sheltering Books is a nonprofit organization that collects and donates books to homeless shelters and hospitals. Her nonprofit also helps develop reading spaces, such as libraries and reading rooms, where these books can be kept, used, and read. Mackenzie is an incredible young girl because she never let her disability prevent her from doing the things she wanted to accomplish in life or let stereotypes define her abilities and potential. Instead, she turned her disability into her inspiration.

“When I read, it’s a real escape.”
—Mackenzie Bearup

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson, which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.