Saba Ismail: Girls Helping Girls

Saba is a feminist and activist. At only fifteen years old, she co-founded “Aware Girls,” an organization run by young women aiming to empower girls to fight for social change and take part in leadership opportunities. Due to her work and excellence on youth development and the prevention of violent extremism, the UN General Secretary appointed her to the Advisory Group for the Progress Study on Youth, Peace, and Security. To be so young yet to understand the importance of fighting for social change is what inspires others to follow in Saba’s lead, and demand equal opportunities for girls and women globally.

“You have to take a step if you want to bring a change, and you have to do something.”

—Saba Ismail

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.


Saba is a feminist and activist. At only fifteen years old, she co-founded “Aware Girls,” an organization run by young women aiming to empower girls to fight for social change and take part in leadership opportunities. Due to her work and excellence on youth development and the prevention of violent extremism, the UN General Secretary appointed her to the Advisory Group for the Progress Study on Youth, Peace, and Security. To be so young yet to understand the importance of fighting for social change is what inspires others to follow in Saba’s lead, and demand equal opportunities for girls and women globally.

“You have to take a step if you want to bring a change, and you have to do something.”

—Saba Ismail

This excerpt is from The Book of Awesome Girls by Becca Anderson, which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.